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The Book of Mormon: A Christian Critique

The Book of Mormon: A Christian Critique


Doctrinal Inconsistencies with the Bible

A primary aspect of the Christian critique of the Book of Mormon concerns its doctrinal inconsistencies with the Bible. The Book of Mormon introduces concepts and teachings that are not found in the Bible and, in some cases, directly contradict it. Key issues include the nature of God, the concept of the Trinity, and the doctrine of salvation. For example, the Book of Mormon’s portrayal of God and Jesus as separate beings is in stark contrast to the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, which describes one God in three persons (Matthew 28:19).


Historical and Archaeological Evidence

Christian scholars also critique the lack of historical and archaeological evidence supporting the narrative of the Book of Mormon. The book describes advanced civilizations in the Americas with specific languages, technologies, and cultures. However, there is no substantial archaeological evidence or historical documentation to corroborate these claims. This absence of evidence is contrasted with the rich archaeological support for many events and locations described in the Bible.

Authenticity of Joseph Smith’s Revelations

The Christian critique often extends to the authenticity of Joseph Smith’s revelations. Smith claimed to have translated the Book of Mormon from golden plates shown to him by an angel. However, these plates were never independently verified, and the translation process, involving the use of seer stones in a hat, raises questions about the credibility of this revelation. In contrast, the transmission and preservation of the Bible have been subjected to rigorous historical and textual scrutiny.

The Translation Process

The translation process of the Book of Mormon is another point of contention. Joseph Smith’s method, particularly his claim of translating ancient Reformed Egyptian through divine means, is seen as problematic. This issue is compounded by the lack of evidence for the existence of Reformed Egyptian as a language. Christian critics argue that the process lacks the transparency and verifiability that is typically associated with legitimate historical and linguistic scholarship.

Bible’s Sole Authority and Sufficiency

The Christian critique emphasizes the principle of Sola Scriptura – the Bible as the sole authoritative source of Christian doctrine. The addition of the Book of Mormon as another scripture is seen as undermining the authority and sufficiency of the Bible. The Bible itself warns against adding to or taking away from its teachings (Revelation 22:18-19), and the Christian stance is that it contains all that is necessary for faith and salvation.


In conclusion, the Christian critique of the Book of Mormon addresses doctrinal inconsistencies, lack of historical and archaeological support, questions about the authenticity of its revelation, and concerns over its translation process. This critique is rooted in a commitment to the Bible as the sole and sufficient source of Christian faith and doctrine.

Read More

  1. “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel – Provides a journalistic look into the evidence supporting Christian faith, useful for contrasting with the claims of the Book of Mormon.
  2. “The Kingdom of the Cults” by Walter Martin – Offers a comprehensive critique of various religious movements, including Mormonism, from a Christian perspective.

This article offers a detailed Christian critique of the Book of Mormon, highlighting significant areas of concern and underscoring the central role of the Bible in Christian faith.

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